Differences Between React and Angular
In this short article, I want to share three differences that I found between React and Angular during my first week learning Angular. By any means, I think Angular is better than React or vice versa. I believe both frameworks will always work as good as the other depending on the project itself.
Data Binding
In React the data only travels unidirectionally this means that the data has one and only one way to be transferred. An example of this is when props are being transferred from the parent component to the child component, but not the other way around.
DOM Usage
React uses a virtual DOM while Angular uses the browser DOM. The advantage of using the virtual DOM over the browser one is that instead of rendering the whole DOM again, it only changes what needs to change. This gives a boost to performance.
App Structure
Angular is a full-featured MVC while React pretty much mixes the three on one. Because Agular’s MVC structure you can dive your Logic from your HTML template. On the other size, React mix the logic and the HTML template keeping everything in one file.
I believe as I keep my journey on learning more and more about Angular more difference will show. For now, I would say that React was an easier framework to learn compare to Angular. Angular is more complex and the difference that I named on this post kind of confused me during my first week.